
Each art video, measuring 800×800 pixels with a resolution of 300 dpi, is both signed and numbered, and then saved on the Ethereum blockchain. In addition, each video is associated with a specific Moment via a radio frequency connection.

Each series is 300 signed copies.

Artistic video connected by radio frequency to a specific emotion, designed from the consequences of a deviant click, whether this click was made randomly and without a specific reason, or deliberately.
La vidéo intègre la date et le lieu où l’émotion a été intégrée dans le système.
Each video is entirely designed and assembled in three dimensions by the artist, piece by piece, thus carrying its own and distinct identity. Each is meticulously numbered, highlighting its uniqueness and exclusive position within the series.
Each work is a unique entity, sculpted from a numbered click. The number associated with this click is systematically integrated into the Emochain video, thus weaving an inseparable link between the digital act and its visual manifestation.

Vous achetez le numéro : 19

Each artistic creation has its distinctive character, identifiable by a specific number assigned during the emission of an electromagnetic wave, triggered by a click. In order to discover your personal number, it is necessary to click on the 'Deviant Systems' website of the artist Arsen Eca.
The transfer is made from the emochain.eth Wallet
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